Endless Journey
I am a world traveler, currently in Thailand. I explore the country and describe what I see and do. I show my daily explorations via video on YouTube, Rumble, Odysee and Subscribe Star. If you want to know anything or see something in Thailand let me know.
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Pattaya’s Buddha Mountain - Wat Khao Chi Chan - 109 Meter Tall Image - Chon Buri Thailand 2024

Khao Chi Chan, or as it is more commonly known, Buddha Mountain has become an iconic landmark in Pattaya and a popular tourist attraction. This giant golden Buddha carved into the face of a mountain cliff is set among a beautiful and tranquil park.

A short walk along paved paths will bring you right to the base of the mountain where you can see the full detail and really appreciate the gigantic scale of this impressive carving. There is a small lake at the foot of the mountain filled with lilies and lotus flowers.

There is no entrance fee at Khao Chi Chan, however, there are several donation boxes around where you can make a small offering to help with the upkeep of this lovely sight.

The mountain was originally mined for U.S. Army and Air Force projects at the local Utapao Airport during the Vietnam War. The mining continued on for several years after the Americans departed, eventually leaving the sheer face of the mountain we see today.

In 1995 the idea to carve a giant Buddha on the ...

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Baan Hollanda บ้านฮอลันดา - Dutch Settlement - Ayutthaya Thailand 2024

Baan Hollanda บ้านฮอลันดา is a former Dutch trading village in Thailand, founded in 1643 during the Ayutthaya era. Located along the Chao Phraya river near the Ayutthaya Historical Park, to the south of the city island. It was established by the Dutch East India Company (VOC).

The term "Wilanda" was used by the Siamese in the past to mean those from the Netherlands, or the Dutch. It was derived from the Malay "Orang Belanda". It was used to denote the Dutch in Java and elsewhere in the East Indies. "Belanda" itself was possibly derived from the Portuguese "Hollanda" (Holland).

The Dutch first established formal trade relations with Siam in 1604, towards the end of King Naresuan’s reign. In 1608, King Ekathotsarot granted permission to the Dutch East India Company (VOC) to open its trading post in Ayutthaya.

The location was in the southern part of the walled island city and was a rather constricted space. In 1634, during the reign of King Prasat Thong, a new VOC ...

Port FC vs Prachuap Khiri Khan - Best Road Trip in Thai League Football - September 28, 2024

Thais are very passionate about football. Port FC fans are among the most passionate in the league and they love to travel to support the team.

In this video we take a ride on the super fan bus with the Port FC supporters to Pratchup Khiri Khan.

Port hasn’t won on the road to here since 2021 and with them sitting in second place in the league everyone is hoping for the best.

Prachuap Khiri Khan is a coastal city about 4 to 5 hours south of Bangkok. It’s famous for being the home of the 3 bays. In addition to the 3 bays, featuring some very nice beaches, the town has a very traditional seaside with old wooden homes and businesses. Prachuap Khiri Khan is a great place to spend a few days relaxing on the beach and eating fresh seafood.

This game is one all Port fans circle on the calendar for this great away game by the sea.

Port FC vs Prachuap Khiri Khan - Best Road Trip in Thai League Football - September 28, 2024

Wat Samana Kottharam วัดสมณโกฏฐาราม - Unseen Temple Tour - Ayutthaya Thailand 2024

Wat Samana Kottharam วัดสมณโกฏฐาราม is located off the city island in the eastern part of Ayutthaya.

Wat Samana Kottharam is situated in a part of the city known as Ayodaya. It is widely believed that the Dvaravati and the Khmer, from the Lopburi area, settled here before King U-Thong established Ayutthaya in 1351.

Wat Samana Kottharam is an active temple with portions of ancient buildings still on site.
One of its oldest structures is a unique bell-shaped chedi, which could date as early as
the 14th -15th century. There is also a portion of a second chedi on site, but it is greatly eroded. Its relic chamber and spire no longer exist. Still, based on the remaining structure and its multiply indented corners, this Khmer-influenced prang may have been designed in a style dating to the late Ayutthaya period.

One ancient sermon hall has been restored from the foundation and a large Buddha image has been placed on its altar.

There are other ancient structures but ...

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